Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day Off

My mom seems to think you need a reason to play hookie from work. I say you need more reasons to go to work. It seems like a play hookie a lot. I don't. Only when I REALLY need a break. Which happens to be a lot. 

On Wednesday I woke up and had no desire to go to work. I layed in bed and thought of all the fun things we could do if we stayed home. We both called in sick and spent the day with each other. 

We spend the day lounging and having fun. Jack took me to lunch at Apollo Burger. By far our favorite burgers in Utah County. We absolutely LOVE them. We went to the library to rent Season 2 of Heroes. We walked around the mall for a while and found a killer deal on Calvin and Hobbes books. And we watched Haunting in Conneticut in a theater we had all to ourselves. We finished the night eating Orange Chicken at our favorite local chinese restaurant, China Garden, getting shakes at Dairy Queen and snuggling in bed watching Heroes. 

It's so hard to go to work after days like that. 


Anonymous said...

You two are just soo cute!! You make me smile :)

Christie said...

Well I hope that neither of your bosses find your blog, lol U will be in Double dutch trouble....
You seem like such a fun couple and I love hearing how you are enjoying life together!!!

Keri Larson said...

Dayna you guys are so cute, I love it. I love to read about all your fun stuff.

Anonymous said...

i'm jealous!!! todd and i will NEVER be able to call in sick and hang out all day and do fun stuff and go to fun places. :( we'd probably get fired!!! lol. so sad. ..... i'm glad you two had fun though!!

Sommer Time Farm said...

All I have to say is enjoy it now, cause one day you won't have that freedom!lol

Kristin said...

Hopefully no one you work with stalks your blog! You're brave to go out in public when faking sick :).

Haunting in Connecticut?? Really??